Ionio Account

Ionio is a smart contract language that allows you to write complex taproot contracts using simple data structures and APIs.

Marina fully supports Ionio and allows you to derive taproot addresses embedding Ionio contract.

Create an Ionio account#

First of all, you need to create a Ionio account. This is a special type of account expecting an Artifact as input to derive a new address.

import { AccountType } from 'marina-provider';
await marina.createAccount('myCustomIonioAccount', AccountType.Ionio);

Use your Ionio account#

Once you created your Ionio account, you should be able to select it using useAccount.

await marina.useAccount('myCustomIonioAccount');

Generate addresses from Ionio artifact#

Ionio artifact describes the contract of the script.

vault-calculator/calculator.json is an example of an Ionio artifact. The contract is expecting two inputs:

  • sum which is a number letting to "lock" my coins using a simple math problem.
  • pubkey which is the public key of the signer.

To spend a coin locking by that script I need to provide:

  • a and b which are the two numbers that sum up to sum
  • sig which is a schnoor signature belonging to pubkey

Marina is able to detect the artifact inputs and inject public keys and signatures automatically. To do this, the "injected" argument must be named like the account name. Fortunately, @ionio-lang/ionio provides us some helpers:


templateString is an helper function using to rename artifact arguments.


marina.getNextAddress and marina.getNextChangeAddress injects artifact constructor arguments automatically if and only if the argument name is the same as the account name (and the argument type is XOnlyPublicKey).

import { replaceArtifactConstructorWithArguments, templateString } from '@ionio-lang/ionio';
// assuming artifact is my vault-calculator `calculator.json`
const renamedArtifactForMarina = replaceArtifactConstructorWithArguments(
templateString('sum'), // let's keep the same name for the sum arg
templateString('myCustomIonioAccount') // 'pubkey' will be replaced by the account name
// once the artifact is ready, we can pass it to marina getNextAddress
const address = await marina.getNextAddress({
artifact: renamedArtifactForMarina,
args: {
// we don't need to provide the 'myCustomIonioAccount' argument, marina will inject it automatically
// using the next available public key of the account
// however, 'sum' is still required by marina in order to generate the right script
sum: 10
console.log(address.confidentialAddress) // taproot address

Spend coins owned by Ionio account#

Get the coins owned by the Ionio account:

const utxos = await marina.getCoins(['myCustomIonioAccount']);
import { Contract, Signer } from '@ionio-lang/ionio';
import { Utxo, ScriptDetails, isIonioScriptDetails, detectProvider } from 'marina-provider';
const utxo: Utxo = utxos[0];
const scriptDetails: ScriptDetails = utxo.scriptDetails; // utxo contains all the data of the script locking the coin
if (isIonioScriptDetails(scriptDetails)) {
// IonioScriptDetails extends ScriptDetails and contains the artifact and the constructor parameters
// including the injected marina account public keys
const contract = new Contract(scriptDetails.artifact, scriptDetails.params);
const FEE = 280; // fixed fee amount of my transaction (in satoshis)
// our contract expect two numbers that sum up to 10
const a = 4;
const b = 6;
// it also needs a schnoor signature belonging to the pubkey injected by marina
// we need to provide a `Signer` object to the contract.
const marinaSigner = {
signTransaction: async (psetb64: string) => {
const marina = await detectProvider();
// signTransaction is a marina method that signs a pset
// it will fill the pset with the schnoor signature expected by the contract
const signed = await marina.signTransaction(psetb64);
return signed;
// we can now spend the coin using the contract
const tx = contract.from(utxo.txid, utxo.vout, utxo.witnessUtxo, {
asset: AssetHash.fromHex(utxo.blindingData.asset).bytesWithoutPrefix,
value: utxo.blindingData.value.toString(10),
assetBlindingFactor: Buffer.from(utxo.blindingData.assetBlindingFactor, 'hex'),
valueBlindingFactor: Buffer.from(utxo.blindingData.valueBlindingFactor, 'hex'),
.functions.transferWithSum(a, b, marinaSigner)
.withRecipient(recipient, amount - FEE, networks[].assetHash, 0)
// unlock will fire the signTransaction method of the signer object
// it will open a popup asking the user to sign the transaction
const signerPset = await tx.unlock();

More infos about how to spend an Ionio contract using the Javascript SDK:

You can try and test the full example here: