
At the moment bitcoind, elements and electrs are started on regtest network.


nigiri start

Use the --liquid flag to let you do experiments with the Liquid sidechain. A liquid daemon and a block explorer are also started when passing this flag.


nigiri stop

Use the --delete flag to not just stop Docker containers but also to remove them and delete the config file and any new data written in volumes.


Generate and send bitcoin to given address

# Bitcoin
$ nigiri faucet bcrt1qsl4j5je4gu3ecjle8lckl3u8yywh8rff6xxk2r
# Elements
$ nigiri faucet --liquid el1qqwwx9gyrcrjrhgnrnjq9dq9t4hykmr6ela46ej63dnkdkcg8veadrvg5p0xg0zd6j3aug74cv9m4cf4jslwdqnha2w2nsg9x3
  • Liquid only Issue and send a given quantity of an asset
$ nigiri mint el1qqwwx9gyrcrjrhgnrnjq9dq9t4hykmr6ela46ej63dnkdkcg8veadrvg5p0xg0zd6j3aug74cv9m4cf4jslwdqnha2w2nsg9x3 1000 VulpemToken VLP
  • Broadcast a raw transaction and automatically generate a block
# Bitcoin
$ nigiri push <hex>
# Elements
$ nigiri push --liquid <hex>
  • Check the logs of Bitcoin services
# Bitcoind
$ nigiri logs node
# Electrs
$ nigiri logs electrs
# Chopsticks
$ nigiri logs chopsticks
  • Check the logs of Liquid services
# Elementsd
$ nigiri logs node --liquid
# Electrs Liquid
$ nigiri logs electrs --liquid
# Chopsticks Liquid
$ nigiri logs chopsticks --liquid
  • Use the Bitcoin CLI inside the box
$ nigiri rpc getnewaddress "" "bech32"
  • Use the Elements CLI inside the box
$ nigiri rpc --liquid getnewaddress "" "bech32"

Nigiri uses the default directory ~/.nigiri to store configuration files and docker-compose files. To set a custom directory use the --datadir flag.

Run the help command to see the full list of available flags.